WTS 91M Pilot - Sold

I am in a NPC Corporation. Located near Jita with bonus and regular remap available. Positive wallet and sec status.
55 Bil starting bid


55B for starting bid. Do you have buyout price?

I think 65 bil would be my buyout

Bump. Also forgot to say has 5 jump clones all located in npc null with cheap varying cheap implants

Bump to the top

bump to the top

Bump. Going back to the top

Bump. To the top I go

Bump to the top

bump to the top

Bump to the top

bump to the top

Thanks for the offer but looking for a bit more. Up to the top

Sorry. I already turned down an offer of 59 bil in game. Thanks for the offer though!

bump to the top

62b offer

I accept Anckee Pellion’s offer. Isk to me and send me the account info and I will get it started

I’m at work! Once I’m back, I’ll send you the isk! Thank you!

Isk and account info sent to Rage Bear in game!

isk recieved and transfer started. Sorry about the delay