WTS 96m SP Support Character (SOLD)

Starting Bid 50b ISK
Bid increments 2b ISK
Buyout 120b ISK
Auction End 24.12.2024 @ 1700 GMT

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Sec Status 0.0
No Kill rights
+4 Implants
2 Remaps Available
50k Unallocated Skill Points
Positive Wallet
Located in Jita
Clean Reputation

Please do not message ingame as this character is rarely used.

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Still available.

60 billion

Thanks for your bid.

70billion ?

Thanks for the bid.

It’s yours if you want it…

Sure thing, il probably send the money youre way tomorrow or Thursday.

No rush, I know it’s christmas day :smiley:


I think I should give Bour Hemah first refusal. If he doesn’t make payment or contact me by the end of the day, i’ll sell it to you.


If Bour Hemah doesn’t make payment or contact you by the end of the day, would you sell to me for 65B? Thank you.

Bour hasn’t sent the ISK so i’ll take the next bid.

ISK and account info sent. Thank you!
