WTS Avatar, Vangel, Malice, Tobias Warp Disruptor, Marginis Fortizar and Draccous Fortizar

As per title

Vangel - 400bn starting
Malice 425bn starting
Tobias Warp Disruptor 48bn (12 bn cheaper than current market value)
Marginis Fort - 165bn
Draccous Fort - 95bn
Avatar - 200bn t2 trimarked

Feel free to PM me or mail me

Looking to buy fun AT ships or Vanq’s/Moloks

Draccous Fort jita Sell 99b

Drac pending an 88bn offer

let me start you off Marginis for 120bn

Thanks but too low.

130 for marginis

bump top

up! Look at this stuff!

Avatar Added

Drac Fort has sold!

Marginis and Avatar sold

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