WTS: Big boy that flies big toy(s) - Capital pilot (look inside)


I am looking for a new master to be controlled by, therefor I am selling myself; My skill-set will say enough about my capabilities.

  • Skills
  • Good name
  • Nice KB
  • My master left me behind in Jita.
  • Positive wallet.
  • Transfer will be paid by me.
  • I am in a NPC corp

All CCP rules apply.

Start-bid: 100B
B/O: Make me a nice offer

Bids below extraction value will be considered as a free bump.

Pre-weekend bump

80b offer

mastisis 81B

Thank you both for the free bump.

Almost Easter!

Up we go

Up, up and away…

It is freaking friday…:slight_smile:

To the top we go :slight_smile:

up…and awaayyyyyy


100 bill offer

hi there i accept this offer if you could pay this isk the character mastisis and let me know of the the account name you want it the toon transferred too this will be much appreciated .

Isks and account details have been sent, awaiting for the character, thanks.

Isk received and transfer has been engaged thanks very much

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