WTS BPO's/BPC's Capital Parts BPO and BPCs

As title says BPO’s and BPC’s, everything is located in Jita 4-4

Discounts will be given if buying in bulk!!

Let me know what you need :slight_smile:


I am interested in some BPCs

Oneiros Blueprint 3M
Nidhoggur Blueprint (all) 91M
Manticore (all) 6M
Ishtar (all) 35,75M
Hurricane (all) 18M
Falcon 5M
Eris (all) 10M
Dominix (all) 23,2M
Chimera (all) 18,75M
Barrage S (all) 3,45M
Archon (all) 10M
Moros (5x with max ME/TE) 70M

250M for this stuff.

I’ll take all 45 phantasm prints for 3375m.

Contract is up! Pleasure doing business :slight_smile:

Contract is up! Pleasure doing business with you :slight_smile:

BPO’s and BPC’s still for sale!!! Get them while there still there!

Grazie mille :slight_smile:

want capital Turret Hardpoint Blueprint
capital Doomsday Weapon Mount Blueprint
Capital Clone Vat Bay Blueprint ,give me good price and contract me up.

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