Looking to sell C3 Wormhole with a High Sec Static. Asking 11 Bil for the following:
T2 Fit astra, a few rigs and fighters
T2 Fit Athanor, Fully rigged and ready for moon mining.
Faction Fit Nidhogger, T1 Rigs and T2 Fighters.
5 Planets with Pocos
Each Structure has at least 50 days of fuel (Astra Currently Has 115 days).
Will provide Scout in and hole control for the first 2 hours of your move in.
All structures and POCO’s will be transferred once money is received (Willing to breakup transfers in a reasonable way that makes sense). Nid will be ejected from outside of the astra once a pilot is in position to take control.
Price is fairly firm as god knows how much a Nid costs to build right now. And each structure costs at least 3 bil. So its pretty cheap. We have moved to null and dont need the hole anymore, so willing to let it go for cheap. PM me IN GAME, or i wont answer. Thanks.