WTS empty skin market - 300+ ( sold out ) skins

As announced and offered in 12/2019 :

( http://prntscr.com/ukhqbh )

My market idea worket perfectly.

As nobody partnered, now i sell :

It is 344 Inquisitor Hunter´s Quiver Skins - looking cool ones really.

Estimated sell price for 1 skin in ( as i estimate ) 5 million to 25 million each.

Means we have a total sell value of 1.700.000.000 to 8.500.000.000 ISK.

BUT : my main bussiness isn´t to sell single skins.

So : i offer a discount.

Means : I am taking offers !


skin foto :

–>> guess i woke some dead dogs … haha … nvm … time works for me :wink:

you can contract me one for 5m


Contract up. I mean, why not :slight_smile:

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