Want to sell Me
Positive wallet
No killrights
No jumpclones
Located in Jita 4-4
7.5bil buyout
Want to sell Me
Positive wallet
No killrights
No jumpclones
Located in Jita 4-4
7.5bil buyout
4 bil
5 bil b/o, have isk ready.
5.5mil SP / 0.5 = 11 skill iniectors
11*710mil= 7,810 billion isk
Plus the 20 bucks transaction cost
So i would like atleast between 7 and 8 bil
Good luck In extracting those 5.5 million skill points.
Also if you could extract them you need skill extractors.
You should really accept the 5.0billion it is a realistic offer.
first of all you can only extract down to 5m skill points. So thats 1 injector at 5.8m sp. you are buying an extractor for 300m roughly and selling the injector for 700m roughly. That gives you a 400m profit. 5b isk is extreemely reasonable for this character. at 400m profit per 500k sp that is.
I’ll indulge and offer 5.5 bil b/o
I am not talking about sucking the SP out of it… i am talking about creating this char, if i didnt…
Offer still stands at 5.5 bil B/O - your call
the way this bazaar works is price of injectors minus price of extractors = your buy price + how bad people want the character if it has special qualities or skills.
Maybe you say that. I dont want to sell this as an SP bunker for you guys to make money of. I want it to be in a hulk and serve somebody with the need of that.
Also i am dropping to 6.5bil b/o
I have no intention other than building this character further.
5.5 bil b/o still stands
Offering 5.7b
6.0B ready now
6.1b offer.
if the offer doesnt raise in the next 24hrs i will sell it to you woolsey toblerone for 6.1bil
still interested? i will sell to you at 6.1bil
Still interested, will send account details + name soon.
Isk + account details sent, awaiting confirmation.
account name and Isk received
starting transfer