Located in Jita 4-4
Positive wallet
Jump Clones -
2 Improved training sets in HS, one with 5% capacitor implants
High-Grade Ascendancy set in Jita
Mid-Grade Virtue set in Jita
No Kill rights
5.0 Security
70b OBO
1 Like
38B Offer
I have to type 5 letters or more to send a reply.
39B offer
I have to type 5 letters or more to send a reply.
daily Bump
No thank you. If you’re looking at solely extractor price is 50b
I appreciate the offer, however, it is below what I am willing to accept
daily bump
its not, check again please
Daily bump
daily bump
daily bump
can you do 55?
Daily bump. Will sell for 55b
daily bump
daaily bump
daily bump