300k SP unallocated
Application transfer fee is plex.
-No killrights
-Positive wallet
-In NPC corp
B/o 40b
ill bid 30bill
The quote is too low
Still on sale
33bill bid then
B/o 38b
I will buy out this character for 38B.
39bill bid
I will contact gm to use plex to pay the transfer role fee. If you are willing to use this method, please reply to me and we will start the transaction.
Still on sale
im online now if u want to come online, sorry had house issues to deal with
still online, and im fine with plex being used to transfer. I need confirmation that you have accepted this before i transfer the isk.
B/o 39.5b
I will buy out this character for 39.5B.
Sorry i refused. I am going to wait one day to confirm the final buyer.
offer retracted then
Still on sale
If you are online now, you can start trading
I give up this auction.
Ok, still selling
Do you still need this role?