Wts imp

Your price is the same…

I just saw this message

This one doesn’t smell suspicious at all…

Perhaps you are overselling it?

Just because there’s supply doesn’t mean there’s demand, even if that ‘demand’ is (possibly fake) mail bids from people too scared to show their face.

I am convinced this is fake. That is why I pulled out.

You quit?
ok i will give him a contract after 10 hours
I believe he is true
but If he is not
I will cancel it!!!

New price 185b

There are three same bids

Please update your price or cancel
I don’t know who to give the contract now

Attention to users:

This thread has been placed under quarantine as something is wrong with the software, and in an effort to keep the server logs clean and attempt a fix, this will be permanently closed.

Message to the OP: This time tomorrow (EVE Time) you are encouraged to remake your thread and resume your sale. Our apologies for the mess this has created.

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