Jump Drive Calibration V
Jump Drive Operation V
Jump Fuel Conservation V
Jump Freighters V
Amarr Freighter 6 days to V
no waste SP
Start at 10b
14b B/O
Jump Drive Calibration V
Jump Drive Operation V
Jump Fuel Conservation V
Jump Freighters V
Amarr Freighter 6 days to V
no waste SP
Start at 10b
14b B/O
I can offer 8Bil
Can offer 10Bil
11b ready
okay, i wait one day
Sure, look forward to hearing from you
Hey @Anna_Pellegrino still looking to sell? My latest offer still stands
I’ll go 12.5
if no more offer higher than 13B in 24h, I will accept this offer
new B/O is 14B, if no one offer 14B, I will accept George’s offer.
If someone outbids me please give me a few hours to come back with a counter offer, would be much appreciated
14 bil, BO sorry George
Ok, i accept George’s offer, send isk and i will transfer the alt
Thank you
ISK and account name sent.
Hey that’s not how BO is supposed to work! But, that’s cool. o7 george.
ISK and info recived, alt sent. Thank you
Character recieved, thank you.