A very useful wh alt, it’s a good last man to leave into a wormhole, he scans, gas huffs in covert mining ship and it’s a all in one covert cyno hunter
All CCP rules apply.
Shoot a price
A very useful wh alt, it’s a good last man to leave into a wormhole, he scans, gas huffs in covert mining ship and it’s a all in one covert cyno hunter
All CCP rules apply.
Shoot a price
3b b/o
i’d make more simply extracting it, pls, serious offers ty
4.2b offered
Offer accepted. Send isks and account name for transfer.
I will do so in the next hour. Thank you.
Isk sent and account info sent via in-game mail. Thank you.
We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.
Character Name: Terencius Varo
Will be completed after: 11/22/2017 1:48:03 AM
If you did not initiate this character transfer, please file a ticket to Customer Support.
Ty for ur businness, btw, this is the fifth toon you buy from me, when you arrive at 10th i’ll give away one free
You’re quite welcome! Thanks for being a reliable seller. If you’re looking to sell any more characters and want to do so quickly, you’re welcome to directly message me here on the forums or in game and we can do a private sale (with the appropriate private sale forum posting for transaction safety).
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