Mails replied to, thread back up!
Sold Avatar & Erebus prints. Ragnarok ME9 and Nyx/Hel ME10 still on sale!
still selling wyvern BPO?
Sure am! I put up a contract to you, if you want to buy it!
Thread bump. Everything in the OP is still on sale, including the Wyvern blueprint!
Edit: ME9 Avatar returned to OP as well.
Thread back up - still on sale!
Thread back up - all prints in OP still available
I’ll take the avatar me9
contract to petertje35
Contract sent. Thank you!
Thread bump; added the ME10 enhanced neurolink protection cell BPO. This is a 33B base research job, 100B in a system with index. Currently asking 50B.
send mail
gimme a best price on this. I already grabbed your tar bpo
Replied, sorry for afk
check mail, I’ll take your offer