I have 5 Billion ISK worth of Minerals in a station in Aridia I can’t move. It’s almost 4.5 million m3 and I recently moved to Cache and I’m not going to pay for 14 cross-cluster jump-freighter moves; that’s insane. So I’m willing to sell these minerals at a loss.
This is a recent listing of what the minerals are worth, and their respective quantities.
I would be willing to take 3.5 Billion ISK for them; sale goes to the best offer above that threshold.
Reply here or contact me via EVE Mail to confirm order.
(Marie Sky)
June 12, 2020, 7:35pm
shoot me a mail in game if they are in HS and system name and I will potentially put in an offer
Please send me the System via dm! def intrested!
ill buy em for 3b straight away
Sorry, I won’t go below 3.5. I have sunk cost to recover.
no worries,
if you dont get them sold and you change your mind you can hit me up
Not a fan of repeating myself @Total_Apathy , you can have them for 3.5
June 15, 2020, 4:21pm
I’ll take them for the 3.5 requested.
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I’ll contract them to you now.
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I will also have a fit Thanatos for sale in Aridia - in Hophib.
September 13, 2020, 4:38pm
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