No kill rights on me and no kill rights available to me.
Located in 0.8 system.
Positive wallet.
Here are the skills:
- I dropped out of corp 1/28/19. It might take a small amount of time to reflect on skill board.
- Positive Wallet
- You can see clones available and augmentations on skill board.
- No kill rights for or against anyone. No kill rights on me.
- In Concord 0.8 system.
- Character will receive isk.
- I will pay transfer via credit card, so not using plex to transfer chara for quicker transfer to buyer.
Hoping someone else will enjoy this character while I move on to develop my other interests in Eve on another character. Drop her in null to mine or Concord and she will thrive! Hop on a drone boat and go have fun with your drones! Refocus her to whatever you want.
Thanks for your interest. Take a look at her skills and bid what you will and I’ll check in periodically.