WTS minmatar Marauder Character LFO
Sec stat -3.6
3 bonus remap + annual remap available
Also 1.4M sp unallocated
2D 18H from Naglfar
Marauder V
All gun skills inc large arty & auto spec V (12m sp)
WTS minmatar Marauder Character LFO
Sec stat -3.6
3 bonus remap + annual remap available
Also 1.4M sp unallocated
2D 18H from Naglfar
Marauder V
All gun skills inc large arty & auto spec V (12m sp)
The skillboard?
@lifebetter_HOPE skill board now up
18 bil
19 bil
21b offered
Thank you for the offers guys.
The B/O price?
Current High Bid 21B
Buy Out: Make me an offer
(I am not experienced enough at selling to say and still trawling other sale ads to get a feel so would welcome any guidance if people want to input) however I do have a figure in my head for what I want and we are not yet there on the bids.
21B is too low
Isk is ready,but I should think twice
Apologies I think you misunderstood my previous post:
Attempt at clarity:
Current highest bid received is 21B. This is insufficient for sale.
Buyout: I am open to offers but am unable to indicate a value. Feel free to message me here with an offer.
Hope this removes confusion.
P.s despite confusion appreciate your honesty in valuation.
If I decide to buy the char,I’ll give you of a higher offer
There are four characters for choice
Do the char have positive wallet ,no kill right and located in jita?
Positive wallet
No kill rights
Located in groothese Concord office
26B offer,isk is ready,and you know my sincerity
I do. 28b buyout and you have a deal
27.5B,and you have a deal,my friend
Done. Send isk and acc and I will xfer