As the title say folks, I am looking to sell myself.
- No Killrights
- Positive Wallet
- Located in High Sec / No Clones
- 778196 SP unallocated
Key points.
- Exhumer
- Max PI
- Transport Ships
- Max Core skills (Armour/Shield/Engineering/Navigation)
- 74 Skins
Neural Remaps.
Next available - 07-03/2022
Bonus Rempas - 2
Ocular Filter - Standard
Memory Augmentation - Standard
Neural Boost - Standard
Cybernetic Subprocessor - Standard
Social Adaption Chip - Standard
Minimum - 15B
Buyout - Make me happy
Eve mail to Serenety Steel please, I wont see it if it goes to Obi Wan Sativa