37 Mil SP
2 Remaps
250k unallocated SP
Positive Sec Status
Can fly all covert cyno ships w/ Cyno V. Transport ships, Hics/dics, bombers, Hacs, Max Drones Skills exhumers. Legion Ready. Will move to high sec Amarr if i get a deal i like. currently in low sec and in NPC corp.
Starting Bid 30Bil BO 35Bil
26 bil
Calendar Day Bump. Also no to 26bil. I could goo him using the jita market and get 28. will not go below 28.
OK, 28 bil
29bil , EDIT: withdrawn
29 bil
29.5 bil
Bump current highest bid 29.5. Lowering buyout to match first bid. 32Bill BO
Character has been up for a week. Gattanera you win with 29.5 Bil bid. I will not reneg. Send me the isk and the transfer details and i will make the transfer.
I have to revise the bid - prices changed over the weekend (check the market) and my current bid will be 28.5 bil
Current high bid is now Jayce Oriki at 29bil. Not selling on a renegged bid. Jayce send me the info and I will start the process.
No longer selling character. This character will remain the property of the owner. Auction/bids closed. Again, character has not and will not change hands. Thank you.
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