WTS 36msp Amarr Cap pilot- Revelation, Apostle, Ark


  • High Grade Slave +hardwire implant set
  • T2 Triage
  • T2 Siege
  • JDC 5

Very nice All Amarr Cap Alt

All CCP rules apply, pos wallet, in highsec, no killrights

Buyout set at 41b. sell will end at 1600 eve time tomorrow the 18th and will sell to highest bidder if bo is not reached.

Thank You

Bumb Bump

20B isk ready

I’ll bid 30b.

31 B isk


Still selling?


36b isk


37 BIL

was afk over the weekend, this char is still for sale.

BO added. at 41B

Will let this sale run untill 1600 eve time tomorrow the 18th. will sell to highest bidder if BO is not met.

bump it up.

Ready to sell?

Will be retracting bid in 12 hours

Your high bidder at 37b Josh. Send isk. And name.
Sorry for the delay, work ran long today.

Thanks mate. At work so will send in a few hours

hey josh, im online today, you still want the toon? waiting on isk and account name.

Thank you

Isk and account info sent

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