WTS Myself -- starter Orca pilot -t3d

located in gallente highsec, will relocate to a requested location.
send any offers as forum reply

Character in NPC corp
Character has positive wallet
Character has no kill rights
Character in high security space
No Implants
-1.5 sec status (can fix for free if wanted)

Make an offer. no set price. Won’t take any offer below 4b.

8 bill

if no higher offer has been made by tuesday i can accept this.

On second thought I am going to retract my offer


i am willing to pay 6.5b

if no other offers have been made by wednesday i can accept this.

Sure as you wish

7bil buyout offer, valid today :slight_smile:

8b offer

i can accept this offer, I will be able to begin the process tomorrow, 11/16.

that’s good
I will send 8b isk today to this character today

Isk sent

will begin transfer shortly, clearing up contacts/assets/ACLs

please send me the account name you want it sent to in a mail so i can transfer it to you, as i am ready to transfer now. Just waiting on that.

Mail sent

Transfer intitated to the account you mentioned in the mail.
for any further issues, reach out to me on discord (sopris) or ingame, @Minmatar_Citizen_135335821 (sopris)

You can still contact me if you have further issues
Discord taffy1916

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