WTS Naglfar/golem pilot 43,5m sp

Want to sell me.

Minmatar dreadnought V
Calibration V
Siege T2
Marauders 4

two pods:
geno set
mid-grade crystal set (for golem)
both in jita
NPC CORP, 0.0 sec status, no kill rights, positive wallet.


Thread reopened.

30B .

35b offer

i paid your 38b :slight_smile:

40b offer

41b offer

isk transfered

bro are you here? the B/O is 38b i have send 41b isk and information…

sorry, went offline yesterday.
Price is accepted.
U send me 2 account names (with double k or not).
Please send me which one is correct and i will transfer char.

i have give you message with account name. Look traderPro mail

it s double k

ok. will transfer in 12 hours, due to transferring another char from my account.

Happy New Year!

I have not the toon on the account…

I open support ticket… nice

on the last mail i drop you the good account name, in the chat i tell you the good account name and you fail it jesus

We will keep an eye on this thread also. Please give us updates about your Support Ticket.