WTS old 100 m sp pilot


It is time to sell my main. According with CCP rules, char is in NPC corp now, in high sec with positive sec status and wallet. No kill right, 2 jump clones available, omega status

60 bil b/o

ill start from 65b


ill give you the 70 B

70 is what I am looking for. Deal is confirmed

Talked to the buyer, he was mistaken and hadn’t got 70 bil isk, so my pilot is still for sale with b/o 70 bil

Ill give you 70b for this char.

Still for sale? if so, will do 72b

yes, still for sale

74b b/o 2 hours valid

have you started the transfer?

still available, 66 bil b/o

Ill pay 66b.

ok, send isk and acc info to me pls

sending now?

open in game convo with me

I was trying but you didnt accept it. Now i am not able. Just send isk and info, i ll transfer asap

This looks like a scam. Watch out.

100% scam. don’t send any more isk to this dude.

heard you have isk from 2 other people and are scamming. no thanks