WTS perfect Hel pilot sp39.3M Not inject 0.5M

WTS perfect Hel pilot sp39.3M Not inject 0.5M


Positive Wallet
No killrights
NPC Corp
Located in null sec
Active Clone Implants
High-grade Nirvana Alpha
High-grade Nirvana Beta
High-grade Nirvana Gamma
High-grade Nirvana Delta
High-grade Nirvana Epsilon
High-grade Nirvana Omega
jump clone
Jita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Business Tribunal Bureau Offices

BID 30b
B/O 35b

Brandon Amelan :you can reply the new post for the buy out price ,the old post have been closed by Team Lead because not open the sales thread Complete

Anyone can buy it

i can offer 30bil


If you can offer 34B ,I will deal with u

BUMP everyday!

Isd will lock your thread & your other ones if you don’t post with the character that’s for sale to confirm at least.

Confirm for sale by this post

confirm for sale by this post! Is it okay?

bump everyday!

31B Bid


满技能冥府号 技能点四千万 带脑插 人物现在在00 带大航脑插 35B出售

满技能冥府号 技能点四千万 人物现在在00 带大航脑插 35B出售


nice toon, but its not a perfect super pilot, you are missing the cap ship skill to 5 and you would also have the ability to run command boosters as well, though not really needed for being a super pilot.



32 bil

Deal,pls send the isk and e-mail to this character,I need know what id will be for transter

Deal,pls send the isk and e-mail to this character,I need know what id will be for transter!!