WTS perfect Minmatar Titan Ragnarok +Naglfar character

WTS perfect Minmatar Titan Ragnarok +Naglfar character
Sp 58.3M Not inject 0.5M
Wallet positive
No killrights
NPC Corp
Located in null sec
Jump clones
Itamo VI - Moon 6 - Science and Trade Institute School
Active Clone Implants
Ocular Filter - Improved
Neural Boost - Improved

Bid 35B
B/O 45B

30 bil



40b offer

deal pls sent the isk to this character ,then give me a e-mail in the game I need your game ID to transfer the character

deal pls sent the isk to this character ,then give me a e-mail in the game I need your game ID to transfer the character!!

ok isk and account send

im wait transfer

hi man what time did you transfer?

they send an email with the time.

ok I will do it asap

three days man, i cant wait no longer , if tomorrow DT you didt transfer i will reprot GM

I have some problem on loggin this ID in the game beacause I have much long time not play with it. I have sent the e-mail to GM,pls wait for more time sorry!

@ ISD Dorrim Barstorlode


Please file a GM ticket, as that will get the issue sorted faster than I am able to. Thank you.