3x Thanatos, fitted & T2 rigged field extenders (shield) 50bn each ono.
1x Nyx Armour Rig, no fit but can move if needed. 450bn ono.
Please mail in game, these prices are wanted but other offers are encouraged. I have valued these at the price as I am not aware of any other capitals in yet.
I think the prices are fair as capitals cannot gate Pochven currently & as such they are one offs. I think the price matches the abbility to field supers and caps when others are stuck in subcaps. I am valuing them through the same lens high sec capitals are priced. Except Pochven has no capital restriction rule for pve or pvp.
I am keeping the system name for shhhh for now in case buyer wants that but if it does not sell I will provide system name.
@Brewlar_Kuvakei Not sure how you get your prices based on “I am valuing them through the same lens high sec capitals are priced” because you are not allowed to sell capitals like carriers, supers, titans, fax, dreads that are in highsec.