WTS Rabisu fast

Mail me any offers

will be sold within a few days to the highest bidder

The rabisu is in low sec 1 jump from high sec in a non kick out station.

Still for sale

250bill and a smile

you are the highest bidder mate i will give it a few more days and if no others come in i will contract it to you.

ok make contract , i have the iskkies , smile will bee forced though , :slight_smile:

Also i have played Eve for 15years so is a few more days like a year or 6 months or something ? ha ha ha

Gonna call your missus Potty, i think you got unauthorized access to the Corp wallet

I will be monday about 19:00 eve time

Contract is up

accepted , thanks , enjoy the isk

:smiley: the teeth are not mine as am too old to have any , lol

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