I’m for sale.
Positive Wallet.
Located in high-sec.
No kill rights.
+4 implants currently in head
2 bonus remaps
261k unallocated sp
Can use T2 industrial core
Can use panic
Cybernetics V
Can use Excavators (Mining drone spec IV)
Can use all T2 combat drones except sentries
As of this post, 3 days from Gallente Cruiser V
Bids starting at 23b
Buyout 26b
Thanks for the bid. In 24 hours, I will close with this being the highest bid.
I do the 26 Bill BuyOut. ISK rdy
Buyout accepted. Send Isk and account info separately to me and I will start the transfer.
isk and account name sent.
Isk and account info received. Ticket placed to start the transfer process.
No update on transfer ticket. I have asked for an update on the ticket.
At least, Finally after 5 Days: Charackter Recieved!
This Time CCP was rly slow
September 30, 2018, 10:40am
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