WTS Scordite Mining Crystal II BPO

10/20 Jita 4 -4

B/o 35bil

Price negotiable.

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To the top. New price is 37

It’s not worth nearly 37B.

Just because it’s a T2 BPO doesn’t make it special. Scordite is one of the most common ore’s
You’d be lucky to get 10B for it tbh

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I’m curious, could you explain “Just because it’s a T2 BPO doesn’t make it special. Scordite is one of the most common ore’s” please?

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It means exactly what I said. It’s not worth what you’re asking, period.

He stayed at a holiday inn Express last night.

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Dorian’s coming. Why you block me?

Bumpy bump

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To the top.

Ingame offer: 28bil

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