Hey All
Dont use Hitman much anymore so ill see about selling him.
Great name and single digit losses on KB zkillboard.com/character/1119299251/
Guy is pretty much max thanny/nyx pilot
He also has some good implants (one nyx pod and one thanny pod)
Evepraisal - Appraisal z0zym: 5.21 Billion Buy / 6.87 Billion Sell 6.9bil value
All CCP rules apply. Positive wallet. Character to be sold in jita.
looking for 50bil
I am potentially interested in this character, I sent you an in-game mail, please convo me or send a mail.
I am ready with the deal that we spoke about in-game. Just confirm on this post and ill send the info for which account it will go to over in-game mail.
confirmed price in game via evemail… send isk and account info and ill start transfer
isk and account info received. transfer started
We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.
Character Name: Hitman Actual
Will be completed after: 3/7/2021 5:56:09 AM
1 Like
Thank you,
is there somewhere I can view the transfer confirmation on my end?
Just got email confirmation, thanks
June 4, 2021, 8:00pm
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