Selling myself
Positive wallet
Positive sec status
Char will be in in Jita 4-4 when i transfer
Amar,Gallante and Minmatar cruiser 5
Logistics cruiser 5
Cyno 5 can use Cov ops cyno
Can fly Heavy interdiction cruisers,Recons, Cov ops , Logi’s and Apostle/Archon (1 Hour training for t1 fighters)
Can fly proteus for hunting with Cov ops cyno
Cybernetics 5 for omega implants
T2 Shield/Skirmish and Armor links ( can fly gallante command destroyers )
Can fly T2 Triage Apostle
Other Stuff
Can fly t2 caldari scan frigate and Charon for moving stuff.
Good reactions skills for making isk
See my skills here
Auction Starts @ 27b isk