WTS Tiamat Chremoas Lealaps and Raiju

Located in Nalnifan NPC station

WTS Tiamat 500B
WTS Chremoas 380B
WTS Lealaps 550B
WTS Raiju 450B


Or exchange with Moracha

bump .

Willing to go lower on price?

we can negotiate

Would you be interested in a Raiju + isk?

I have a Raiju Sorry

What is your number? Im interested and serious.

380B or exchange with Moracha

Next Cody?

Many will aspire for greatness, few will achieve it.

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this is the way

Hehehe well I guess @Minnie_x_Mouse achieved it when she bought out your entire AT collection some time ago if Iā€™m not mistaken.

1 Like

Nailed it!





400B WTB moracha

360b tiamat