Name: gutless grue
Password: 123789
- 75.8m skillpoints
- Born: May 2014
- No corp history
- Good standings
- Positive wallet
- No killrights
- Positive Sec-status
- Located in high-sec (Jita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant)
Can fly:
- Heavy Interdictor
- Interdictor
- Tactical Destroyer
- Blockade Runner
- Transport Ship
EDIT: Ready for several Minmatar (^and other) ship types in a few hours:
- Combat and Force Recons
- (^all) Electronic Attacks
- (^all) Freighters incl. Bowhead
- Logistic
- (^all) Logistics Frigates
- Strategic Cruiser
Only the skills have to be injected.
- Exhumers
- Interceptors
- Assault Frigs
- Stealth Bombers
- Covert Ops (except Hydra)
Ready for:
- Freighters in 1h, 15m
- Dreads (hulls) in about 35d
- Carriers (hulls) in about 2 months
- Rorqual (hull) in about 13d
- Jump Freighters in about 37d
- Full +5 set installed
- Jump clone with full Mid-Grade Nomad set (agility boost)
- Jump clone with full +4 set
Both jump clones are in high-sec.
CCP rules for this sale/auction apply.
ISK to this char please.
Starting bid: 60b
Buyout: 80b
Reserve: hidden
Sale/auction ends January 4th, 22:00 eve time or when buyout is met.