WTS Wyvern Pilot, Kelin Amnel, 48.5 Mil SP, 40 Bils

Wyvern Pilot- Link

The pilot is currently in low sec. Has positive wallet- No Killrights, etc. I will pay transfer fees- all rules, etc. He has 48.5 Million SP and a set of High-Grade Nirvanas and Ascendancy. This one has a Negative Sec of 6.9 which I can fix if necessary.

I would like 40Bil for him.

I will post below with chars for sale. Please relay all attempts at communication across my main Gary Bell.

Happy Shopping

Its me I am for sale :stuck_out_tongue:

Me to I am for sale !


Buy meeeee

24B for Kelin Amnel

Yeah that is less then if I melt the char down… thanks for the free bump

18B for Josephine Lee Ray

I would do 20 if ypur interested?

22 bil I want to buy

Can do the 22Bil for Josephine today. Confirm and send isk and account information and I will start the transfer ASAP! Thanks!

it will be another week or 2 till i can but i will buy that nidhoggur pilot i will need the standings fixed on it tho if your able

o nvm you already sold it

No isk or anything has changed hands.

20B for Josephine Lee Ray

I am not holding the char for you, but if I still have it when you are ready to purchase I am more then happy to sell it to you. On that note both chars still for sale :slight_smile:

I would accept this, just need isk and account information. Just let me know :slight_smile:

Bumpity Bump Still for sale

20b for Josephine Lee Ray in 24h

Just waiting on some iskies :stuck_out_tongue: Bump