WTS Your perfect dream character!

Wew, sounds like an actual banger i would totally not listen to.

because it’s my perfect character … you can create your own, you know?

Everyone rejoice!

Got a new highest bid of 135b in. This thread will run for one more week as an auction, the highest bidder will get it then.

Current bid: 135b

…man you’re probably kicking yourself for rejecting these “offers” now.

Nah, not really. The first offer was 190b in items, so im not entirely sure how that should go and the second offer was buy some guy who was in a reeeaal hurry for a char and at that time i wasnt feeling like selling it fast. Thanks for the empathy.

5 more days until this auction is over.

4 days

Getting to the final countdown.

3 Days remaining

I guess we lost one day counting.

1 more Day. This auction will finish at 20.02 00:00 ET <edit> SIKE! </edit>

friendly bump :parrot:


1 Like

Thanks for the bump

and yes - if there are no bids then there is no auction end :wink:

to the top


to the top :slight_smile:

I’ll poke at 95b

Thanks for the offer! I’ll take it into consideration.

Friendly buump


this auction will come to an end soon.

sold for 95b to @ Hodgey X

Please send the isk and account info over :slight_smile: