WTS ZenScience 106.831.995 points from 2006

Want to sell myself :slight_smile:

char info at http://eveboard.com/pilot/ZenScience no pass

added 250 mill on skills nearly all skills injected
2 remaps available
4 jump clones
+5 implants + mining foreman mindlink

B/O 110 bill

start bid 100 bill

no assets.

standings on eveboard are not right sample eveboard say -0,13 it is 1.49 why it shows difrent i dont know perhaps skill related ?

happy bidding

85 bil

90 Bil

91 bil

95 Bil

24 hours (its 22:53 now) for final bid, seems fair highest bidder wins :slight_smile:

30 min left

Miep your the winner 95 bill it is pls send me an ingame mail with where zenscience need to go after i recieve the 95 bill i will transfer zenscience.

Iskies sended, see ingame mail

isk recieved how ever pls send the same mail with this account that you post with in the forum to make sure not a random person send the mail
thanks in advanced or send me a convo (online waiting)


ty vm

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