Mostly in that Gank Power thread here, but it has been buried by people who are stuck going back and forth on whether it should require effort to plex an account and asking why people should be required to do “unfun” tasks to afford their toys to participate. In short, someone has a problem with poor people playing again because he doesn’t find ratting/probing/mining interesting and would rather throw RL money at his problems and expects other to do the same. And as a result has completely thrown that thread off track.
Having multiple machines active isn’t against the EULA at all, the limitation is per instance of a PC, you can run an omega on a desktop and an alpha on a laptop, CCP have no way of knowing who owns which account and they won’t enforce a 1 alpha per IP policy because that would destroy things like dorm rooms and internet cafes
Hate to tell you this, but that is a lot of new skills lmao
Each new racial gun you don’t already have.
Each racial has x2 specializations each.
Each corresponding secondary weapon skill.
New drone skills assuming you are given heavy and sentries.
Racial specialization skills for the drones.
Each new ship hull has a corresponding skill.
Several of the omega locks you had on skill caps also have to be removed to make training these possible and are likely contained within this count.
I’m not really sure what you think you’re getting in excess to this. I mean:
Alphas wont get cloaks or cynos ever
no chance at corp management
no point in giving alphas fleet support
it’s unlikely they’d give alphas planetary management skills as that would drive them away
maybe rigging skills?
only science skills missing are for invention so no point in giving alphas those
you already have the important production skills related to t1
alphas will never be given structure management skills
subsystems, nope
targeting, you have the important ones here too
maybe a few new trade skills
So what is it you want for FREE again? Do tell, are you wanting PI? Moon probing? T2 production? With this change alphas will already be receiving a hell of a lot and all I’m seeing is a few ungrateful twats asking for more. I think due in part that you haven’t even looked at what omega offers and how much this change will close that gap for you to be grateful towards CCP for being so generous.
Not “soon” alphas can and already are multiboxed quite a bit. It doesn’t even require multiple PCs/IPs or even any 3rd party software to do it currently, just a simple trick.
Soooo Pirate Ships means no more race restriction?? or did they already remove that and I’ve been sitting with dead alphas and wasting time for however long…?
Coming this winter they are increasing skillpoint limits to 20m(ish) skillpoints on alphas (Though you can still only train 5m before needing a sub/injectors.) They are allowing players to train all 4 races. (Meaning you can fly pirate/faction ships.) And you can now use Tech 2 small and medium guns, and fly battlecruisers and battleships. (Basically they are removing the need to be an omega unless you want to fly tech 2 ships or capitals.)
Or if you want absolutely anything to do with anything beyond T1 indy you’ll still need to be Omega.
So T2 indy ships, any of the larger mining vessels, PI, cloaking for better and safer exploration… (that is gonna be a fun one seeing somebody take out an Astero or Strateos without a cloak at some point because lol Alpha.)
Lotta reason to still have an account in the subscription state.
I love that people think CCP is doing this out of the goodness of their heart. The only reason to do this is because they believe it will increase revenue. I really don’t think anyone can reasonably say that CCP is being “generous.”
The limitations are pretty clever, actually. Yay! I can get a Rattlesnake, now…Oh, well, after weeks of training (or an injector). Yay! I bought my Rattlesnake! Gee, my dps is pretty low with only T1 lg guns.
Ditto the Nestor with no cloak, as someone mentioned.
Also, people don’t seem to understand that it makes zero difference to CCP whether someone goes Omega via game time purchase or isk purchase of PLEX.
I don’t know why they would do this though, I mean I understand this will definitely make them a good chunk of money short term for a few months, but it will also drastically drop their income long term once people have all the new SP trained and all the old vets drop to alpha to save money while still having most of their stuff. They will be losing 4 subs from me alone after these changes as I don’t need omega anymore on them. (I’ll have access to pirate cruiser and BCs with T2 guns on each, all I need.)
I’m 100% behind these changes, all I want to know, is why they are planning to do this? My only guess at the moment is to boost player numbers due to massive declines over the past years, which this will definitely achieve.
you don’t even have to have a emulator or different computers. I know people running multiple genosis or gank fleets as alpha, ive even tested the method and reported months ago
My, my… Could you at least pick your arguments better? Difference between PvE fitted rattlesnake (tested on maxed out toon, alphas will have slightly lower numbers) isn’t that big between T1 weapons and T2 ones. Difference boiled pretty much to missiles with Fury Cruise having better paper dps but worse application compared to Faction ones while Precision ones had smaller range and DPS but better application. Difference between T2 wardens and Navy ones wasn’t that amazing either.
Also Nestor is the one SoE ship that doesn’t get to use Cloak.
Training… Well assuming focused training and barebone new toon we’re looking at 2 months for Omega and 4 for alpha to use the snake. Maybe bit more since you need to train missiles from scratch. But if said alpha already has some Caldari or Gallente experience (including drones or missiles) I’d say we’re looking at 3-4 weeks which is pretty low for eve standards.
Ya, actually we can. They are doing something they have really only ever done with Rorquals and that is horribly over buff (in this case unlock) then have to scale back later. Now imagine how few people were actually getting hit by deserved Rorq nerfs and that uproar. Now multiply that by nearly ever Alpha and new Alpha to be if they decide that giving them pirate ships was just a bit too much and didn’t leave enough meat on the bone to make them want to turn omega past getting their short-term 20m goal.
At which point what do they do? Increase the cap again by giving them access to T2 hulls and skills to get that burst of income from compulsive casual “f2p” players? Maybe piecemeal Omega such that for 2-300 plex you can have T2 frigates and cruisers? For 200 plex you can now multibox that account without fear of repercussions?
Spoken like a person who doesn’t know the difference between paper and actual applied dps. And no, you will never get cloaks. Get used to it. If you’re an alpha using a hull and expecting it to work the same without cloak then i don’t know what to tell you. Their actual hope to draw in omegas at this point in the subcap category seems to rely upon then wanting a stronger tank or access to specified T2 hulls - then maybe advance into caps. It remains to be seen if that’s enough of a draw, but the prospects grim.
Who the hell are you even talking to on this? They make a lot more when people consume plex than pay out of pocket. Anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling themselves. So you’re not understanding the problem as being with them making isk to plex their accounts. When the problem is the effect that much new isk entering the market will have. More ships will die as they venture out in their new shiny pirate hulls, the question will be will that offset their new supply of isk. Which is very unlikely as I see no evidence to show that these new Alphas coming in will be any less risk adverse than their Omega brethren.
Or cloak, or have access to skills above around level 3 for anything that isn;t a pre-req for small/medium T2 weapons, or if you want to use any T2 tank items or T2 large weapons, there is still a fair bit of incentive to get people to sub
A while ago, I flew by an Orca in a belt with about 20 ventures with very similar names. “Aren’t supposed to” is true, but as for “can’t”… well, someone found a way. Not sure what happened to the guy, stopped being my problem after I wrote CCP a very detailed report.
Or they’re afraid of what happens if space gets empty and trying things to make it not get empty so fast.
One of the quirks of missile weapon systems is that rapid launchers don’t require a normally size-appropriate skill: rapid lights don’t require heavy missiles or HAM skills, and rapid heavies don’t take cruise or torpedo skills. Or: you can put RHML on your Raven if you want and not have to take missile launcher operation V → cruise/torpedoes. If CCP wants to lock alphas out of RHML, they’ve got two choices: lock out tech 2 HML, or put a flag on RHML which makes the mod require omega status regardless of skill.
Oh, and unless alphas can use a high level of guided missile precision (they can currently use level 0), damage application of big missiles to just about everything is going to be terribad.
CCP stopped caring about long term effects when they introduced skill trading back in 2015. The entire game is slowly transformed into a cash cow.
Alphas, skill trading, focus on micro transactions, more and more vanity items (SKINs), removal of features that dont generate revenue (like captians quarters), …
They are even discussing selling cerebral accelerators. If they do, EVE has all the classic F2P game features. In Steam its already listed as F2P game …