Your year in EVE video/statistics

At least we know that as of 2019, EVE had 214,713 active players. It’s probably still more than 150,000 as of 2024.

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Technically, 214,713 unique emails. And since I know dozens of players with multiple emails for their EVE accounts (and I don’t have a large social circle in game)… the ‘actual players’ number will be a noticeable amount smaller.

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Good point. So at a minimum - 214,713 active characters (since everyone will have at least one email associated with one character). “Active” will be somewhat open to interpretation - since that could just be occasionally logging in.

It’s a starting point at least.

As far as I can remember there was this “kill 1 npc” for 10k skillpoints thing up to “kill 10 npc” for 50k or some similar numbers. Logging in, killing one npc, logging out. this might just add up to the 32h ingame.

Guess we’re not getting anything for 2024…

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