Zarmazd,Basilisk and Trig pilot. 31.3 mil sp

Selling this character
Logi 5 trig cruiser 5
mid grade Amulet set
Improved set
trig guns to large spec 4
good armor and shield skills
good engineering skills
Good start on drone skills
The character being sold gets the isk
In an Npc corp
In empire space docked in Amarr
18 bil start bid 22 bil buyout, first come first get great logi pilot and great skills for all trig ships.

Daily bump

daily bump

Daily bump,new info

I can offer 17b

20 and i’m yours

Sorry i cant go higher than 18b mate

Daily bump 31.5 mil sp

Daily bump

Great pilot here!

18bil b/o

Great pilot,enhance your main character with this great alt.

This thread is closed. Finally let me login to the actual character. Please delete this one.

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