Zero-Point Condensate - Where to get them from?

help please - thank you.

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Those are salvaged from Triglavian ships. You can acquire it via a Salvager 1, Salvager II, or Salvager drones.

Or buy it off the market. That feels cheap though.


Where do you kill the Triglavian ships to be able to salvage them?

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The easiest place is in abyssal space, but barring that, in an Emerging Conduit, or in a system undergoing a Triglavian Invasion. I’d bring friends for those, or you might lose your ship!


In Abyssal space? I’ve never seen a wreck for the ships i’ve popped in that space.
Are you sure?

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How do you find the emerging conduits?

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Emerging conduits can be found using the Probe Scanner window, or via The Agency. And yes, they drop in abyssal space. Just look for the resource nodes on the edge of the area. Or add them to the overview.


Just ran a site, did you mean to loot the “Triglavian Bioadaptive Cache” and the “Triglavian Extraction Nodes” to get receive the Zero-Point Condensate?

What am I looking for in the agency?

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Yes, those can drop the condensate. It’s not a guarantee but the tier 1 and 2 ones go by really fast…


Cheers - so what am I looking for in the Agency?

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You’ll be looking at combat anomalies under the Exploration tab. Anything labeled emerging conduit will have the salvage you’re looking for. Just be wary, as the triglavians there hit pretty hard and you might lose your ship.


thank you.

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Last questions - is there a table or anything available that shows your what can be salvaged/looted from the different abyssals sites and Triglavian ships?

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Somewhere, but it’s easier to assume that most of what drops from those sites will be triglavian related.


Anyone got a loot table of which abyssals drop what loot? I’m under the impression the different types of abyssals will drop different types of blue loot?

Abyssal sites all drop:
ZP Condensate, Iso-10 Crystals, Red loot, and random filaments for other abyssal dead space pockets.

Occasionally: skill books and t1 blueprint copies for Trig Frigates to Battleships and their respective weapons platforms)

The only difference in look comes in types of Mutaplasmids they drop and you can figure out which type of abyssal pockets drop which Mutaplasmids with a quick Google search.

Thanks mate. I was under the impression different Abyssals sites drop higher amounts of ZP Condensates, ISO Crystals. e.g. Electric drops X amount and Dark drop X amount more. Seems that’s not the case.

One last question and I swear I’ll let this post close - where is the biggest abundance of ZP Condensate - ISO-10?

Market is your biggest source but apart from that Abyssal space you will find tons of it. Now ya can close :stuck_out_tongue:

Higher tier Abyssals will give you the most.

You can find them in all 3 types of nodes that appear in Abyssals.

Extractor Nodes, Sub-Nodes will often have the most of both ZP Condensate and Iso-10. As well as the Bioadaptive Cache to a slightly lesser degree (these thing usually have more Red loot in the form of Trig Surveys).

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