2017/11/13 - Post Downtime Login Issues

Keep the language civil, and refrain from personal attacks please.

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Oh I was not the only one :slight_smile:
Only good thing is: now I know it is possible to have different settings for each account…
…because after I spent too much time searching for things (neocom, where the hell are my drones??,…)
I just logged off… and found that liiiiittle button behind the name of my accounts
-after re-entering the names and pw’s again.

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I have only just woken up, still trying to catch up with last night’s events, but from what I can see there was an update to SSO last night that broke authorisation tokens, yay oauth. For that reason, some accounts became invalid and needed to be logged into again.

Interestingly enough I only needed to log into a few of my accounts. (Hopefully) you didn’t lose any of your settings this time.

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And even not once. Login failed at almost every relog! Launcher forgots all accounts (on Windows 10 and on Ubuntu 15.10). Client starts veeeee-e-ery slow (on Windows 10 with last update). It tooks a minutes from pressing launch button to start the client.


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I missed watching the inrto movie, over and over again, thx for including an off button for that secluded somewhere nice and safe and hard to find. Great spreadsheet game btw !

CCP, are you going to offer some SPs to compensate for all the login suffering?

CCP is only offering apologies and thanks for our patience. Wish we could pay with same.


what is testing?

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CCP clownshoes
im the head dev in charge
i cant walk from my desk to the lunchroom without slipping on a bananapeel and messing up something on tq
i literally wear a barrel with suspenders around the office

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EULA - I have accepted.
The problem continues to remain with a part of accounts.
Not always enters a game.

Same here. Had to go back and find my paper copy of my usernames and passwords. AGAIN! And re-enter all of them. No settings were changed or lost.

Just last week one of my accounts was missing from the startup launcher thing (I call it new as I remember when it didn’t exist). Why does that new thing just forget an account or two now and then? THAT is annoying.

Well THIS is embarrassing

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Forum Warning – Inappropriate Conduct

CCP FalconCommunity Manager


2017/11/13 - Post Downtime Login Issues
Major ■■■■■■■ ■■■■ UP by CCP Devs who have ■■■■■■■ no CLUE what they are doing. sorry for all the F-words, but i am totally ■■■■■■■ PISSED!!!

This is an official warning regarding the message shown above, which was posted by your character.
The posting of inappropriate content, which includes:
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is considered a breach of forum rule #2.
We encourage you to review the forum rules on the community website.
Please be aware that continuing to disregard the forum rules may result in the suspension of your posting privileges.

OK I get it, CCP devs are major FREKKING Stuff up, I get pissed and receive a warning???
What punishment will these lower then avarage developers get…also a official warning???<<<<<<

Make the Frekking Launcher work, this is so very very amatueristic!!!


We can and will be civilized, but please CCP behave the same way as we need to act. So Official announcement of what was done to resolve the situation and what actions you gonna take to prevent further F-word ups, aka will the responsible department of CCP who caused this mess be reorganised and therefore future releases better tested in coding and consistency.


So, um, what fix?

Sure, I run just the two accounts, but the launcher can’t seem to remember either. Even with going through the EULA acceptance again after removing them and adding them back.

Funny thing as well, when I have them listed, I cannot reorder the two so that I’m on top of my alt.

What’s up with that?

Paper copy? Ever heard of password managers?

Yeah, no new news items have been pushed to the launcher’s News section since October 28th, and this sort of useful/important news often does not show in that area. Hopefully between any contact ISD has with CCP and anyone noting such in this thread, they’ll take notice and make better use of it.

A handful of observations:

  1. After today’s fix, accounts can no longer be sorted by dragging in the list regardless of pin state.
  2. After today’s fix, the Remember box no longer pins the account as expected after passing the EULA prompt.
  3. After the v1209099 update, clicking the profile selection gear requires two or three clicks to respond on first use.
  4. After the v1209099 update, clicking the Play button with multiple accounts selected for launching requires multiple clicks to see any result, at least on first use if not beyond. Launching three accounts required three clicks for the first launch, then two manual clicks for each after, for a total of seven clicks to launch three accounts.

I have not bug reported these yet but can if it would be appropriate and help, though I’m not sure if there’s an appropriate category off the top of my head and there’s really no additional detail to add in one. I did poke Falcon and the Support account on Twitter prior to posting this, in case they were known issues, and was simply pointed to another thread by support (which is fine, I’m not complaining :slight_smile:)

Developers stupid