03 Veteran Looking for a New Home!

It’s not easy finding a new corp in this vast ocean of recruitment posts. So I figured - why not let the right corp come to me? :upside_down_face:

I’m an '03 veteran looking to reignite my EVE career. Hoping to find a smaller group, EU timezone, and PVP-focused, with most of the action happening around Low Sec. A bit of a High Sec/Low Sec mix is cool too! Not really into Null Sec (but hey, I can be convinced to roam every now and then). Got multiple characters (posting on an alt, because who doesn’t love a little mystery). I’ve got some FC experience, from frigate roams to capital escalations. Also, I don’t mind smashing a few rocks for PVE content - mining can be… strangely therapeutic? :yum:

Post your recruitment thread and Discord link, and I’ll be in touch!

low-sec pvp high-sec

We advertise US TZ because it’s a main for us but we have folks hanging on comms all day just chilling and killing. Let me know if you’d like to further this discussion. o7

Hey Mate, well EU based here, small gang PVP, Low sec based and planty of action so seems a pretty good match for what u seem to be looking for?

We all have some alts for some mistery :wink:

Here our advert m8 :wink:

Check us out :slight_smile:

hay bud am looking for vets to join my corp as my corp is mainly vets we live out in sov null i also run my own alliance we are pvp base with a bit of indy if you what to find out more jump in my alliance discord and have a chat

Hi there, as requested:

We are mostly a group of older and returning players that do a lot of solo/duo and wolfpack stuff, mostly on weekends as adulting can be hard on the body and mind especially when one has had too much crash… oh, were based around highsec; we dont really care where we get the pvp, as long as we get it; but baiting in highsec isnt what it was in 2007…

Probably better off checking our kb to see if our activity suits you tbvh, its also in the recruitment link.

Maybe we will hear from you soon?

Fly dangerous!


You maybe want to give us a shot! we have a nullsec and a lowsecish home. Atm we mopre focused on getting a foot into Lowsec and Angel Cartel Faction warfare. We are a fairly new corp with around 10 ppl mostly in EUTZ but many of us are intereted in PVP.

Hey there! Check Primal Instinct

Come cheek resurrection complex out it ticks all your box’s and more, rezco public in game channel with a discord link, majority are EU players, loads of content Indy/pve/pvp if and when you want it small big and with no mandatory crap, if you are interested check us out.


Stain life - Corporations & Alliances / Recruitment Center - EVE Online Forums
we are a smaller tightnit pvp corp located out in stain that believes rl comes first and play to have fun. join our discord and chat to see if we are a fit for you

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