1 alt for Edencom, 1 alt for Trigs

Why I want to participate in this event at all? Much less farm both sides of it…


@xeux is a smart code agent , james must be investing in education

Wrong, loss of system security status will be perminant. An 0.6 system lost to the trigs will stay that way. CCP have even told you as much in the pre-amble to the event.
Also, the assertion that they are all high players with one account is wrong. This event was designed with only one purpose in mind. Giving historically high sec systems to nullsec alliances to expand. This is why so many players are joining the Trig forces and there are no repercussions. Wrest control of the system from one of the big 4, let it stay Trig and when the time is right, the nullsec alliances will move in to take it over. Highsec carebears nil, CCP/Null one.



I thought it was self explanitory but obviously I was mistaken

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Why do you think any of the nullsec alliances will care?

So what. There are plenty of highsec systems already, I doubt that any of these changes will have any meaningful impact.

Highsec carebears nil, CCP/Null one.

As it should be. Highsec carebears have no value. But I think you’re massively overstating the consequences. Farmers will still farm because too much farming uses infinite resources. If it’s 5 people in a mission system vs 500 people there’s very little difference.

Oh it is self explanatory. It’s just BS, but the idea was understandable.

Just so you know, assuming the security diminution is permanent (which CCP never actually confirmed yet), most systems would still be High-sec anyway (going from 0.8 to 0.6 is still High-sec), and at the very worst, Low-sec.

Never Null-sec, which I’m afraid makes your whole theory ridiculous, albait entertaining to read.

This whole thread is mildly ridiculous.

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There are more lowsec/nullsec systems, doesn’t seem to stop the major alliances wanting more. All we hear from the nulltards are cries of carebear or risk/reward. Some players genuinely prefer low risk/low reward. Making their systems even lowsec removes them from the game.

And there we have it, lowsec/nullsec players belittling others for the way they want to play the game. Your insistance that all people play your way makes it clear your opinion is, in fact, invalid.

True, I shouldn’t have honed in upon the nullsec elelment, however, as above, forcing players into either lowsec or even nullsec is wrong. Not all players WANT to play the game that way. The idea of logging in for a couple of hours, maybe mining, maybe mission running with little reward and little risk is appealing to them. Not you maybe but to them yes.


That’s a good point, but it’s pretty hard to believe that this is gonna be anything massive.

It’s speculation at that point, but IMO, it will only affect a limited number of systems, and most likely stop at 0.5, thus leaving it to still be High-sec anyway.

Do you have a citation for the idea that CCP is going to remove enough of “their” systems to stop them from playing, vs. having the invasion limited to a set of battleground systems that may or may not change status?

And there we have it, lowsec/nullsec players belittling others for the way they want to play the game.

Yep. Risk-averse farmer trash should be belittled because it adds nothing of value to the game. In fact, the flood of excess production they create drives down prices for the rest of us. If all of the farmers and “minerals I mine myself are free” idiots ragequit then more ambitious industry players win.

Your insistance that all people play your way makes it clear your opinion is, in fact, invalid.


Sorry, but that’s not how it works. Wanting to discourage certain players from staying in EVE does not make my opinion invalid.

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And you can rep either side without having to worry about being attacked. Another borked mechanic.
No risk…

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But I’ll bet there is some phat lootz.

It really irks me when pilots don’t finish their sentences to inform others of their intentions.

Of course there will be phat lootz for some pilots.

The fact nullsec groups have been in Inaya all day long since DT proves they care.


So have anything doable actually spawned yet?

The reason that helping the Triglavians doesn’t hurt your Empire standings as much as it should, is because CCP WANTS the Triglavians to be victorious. They’ve written out a vision, internally, of how they want the landscape to look after this. And one of the key points, I’m sure, is that the Triglavians are not beaten back to the point of withdrawal.

There is a pre-determined outcome to this event, with a little bit of wiggle in between.


Well done, Sir!

You just nailed it, the entire buzz-saga, very well and simple. You just have to add, that such “bridge” systems like Uedama, Coleile and Niarja can be comletely lost to Triglavians (aka become like any low-sec systems). Well, lets wait and we’ll see how this “Chaos Era 2” will affect EVE entirely.

Is there any need to take part if the result is already determined?

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