10.5m SP Avatar Sitter/Starter. Perfect Avatar toon name!


Positive Wallet
Positive Security Status
Located in High Sec
No Implants.
2 Remaps Avaliable

7 day auction from posting.

Not too shabby of a name to have flying a nice BBC.

I pay transfer per ccp rules etc etc etc.

Start the bidding at 13B ISK

Edit: Oddly the skillboard doesn’t seem to be syncing with in game, any ideas as to why? 10.8m sp showing in game, and skillboard link shows 6.7m WTF

Offer retracted.

11 bil, oh this name.

Bump to the top

12 bil

13 Bil


14.5 bil

15 bil

16 bill

16.5 bil

Edited to add that this is a 7 day auction.

sorry buddy ~~its too long to wait. I brought another char. my bid is expired

16.5 B/O

is this character still on sale?

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