im looking for someone who would trust to loan me 10bil to fund my rorq pilot, all i can give you is my word. this loan can be paid out in 2-3months tops
Same here, please send me 10b and I will pay back in 2-3 months top. “all i can give you is my word” so you’ll just have to trust me… please, need to fund a rorq pilot badly…
Kk I will fill this loan.
But first I’m gonna need 2 bill as a good faith payment. You will have my word that I will give you 12 bill in return.
Also, what happens when you lose your rorq?
im looking for someone who would trust to loan me 1̶0̶ 100bil to fund my 10 rorq pilots, all i can give you is my word. this loan can be paid out in 2-3months tops
Kk send me 20 bill and I’ll send you 120. Same deal as the OP.
How to self loan:
Buy plex, sell for 10 bil.
Farm 10 bil with rorq, use that to sub instead of subscription cost for 5 months.
I’m only assuming you’re not plexing your account cause you don’t have 10 bil.
How to self loan:
Sell house, buy plex, sell for 100 trillion isk.
Never buy plex or do any grinding in eve ever again.
Play at Starbucks and shower at your friends house while doing odd jobs for coffee money so they don’t kick you out.
Uh, just keep the old cup, and pretend like youre a customer. Ive done it before. Spent months at a starbucks leeching off their wifi and electricity. No one questioned me at all.
They did complain about the smell though.
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