12th Annual Venture Hunting Contest

Here are the current standings for October.

  1. James Fuchs – 128
  2. CASTOLE – 62
  3. Mendax es – 45
  4. Adako Aivoras -39
  5. ooo so flashy – 37
  6. Guybertini – 37 (tied for 5th)
  7. Aaaarrgg – 23
  8. TrickyNicky – 19
  9. Good Girl Kara – 18
  10. Dishrag – 18 (tied for 9th)


We now proceed to the November CLASH OF VENTURE GANKERS, when spectators are encouraged to send a billion isk to their favorite Venture gankers, and another billion isk to me (for the GRAND PRIZE).

Chat, let’s go!

:partyparrot: :upvotepartyparrot: :congapartyparrot:


EvE not dead.
My Venture not dead :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Can Ventures be soloed in high sec with a disposable ship?

Hello everyone,

today, my little birdie passed away. She was a fluffy little beast and fought like a champion until the bitter end. I will miss her bigtime.

Before she passed, she learned the human language and passed on to me her final wish: to kill every single venture, NO EXCEPTIONS, and to make it big on the 12th Annual Venture Hunting Contest.

That’s why I am announcing my renewed fervor to continue the battle for the ultimate win in this contest. I have a sizeable lead, but that is no reason to relax. I am going to hunt these ventures, every single one of them, and I am going to dedicate my victory to my little birdie who accompanied me for so many years and now dutifully watches from above.

She also said to give them hell. So, here is to round number two!!

With comitted regards
-James Fuchs


dunk dunk dunk


James Fuchs story has moved me, 1 million for every venture killed reported for Octobers Top Ten!



:+1: Good to see

dunk dunk

Yes…a good example is Guybertini. Early on in his career he twice failed to gank me in my Venture, but I see he has gotten rather good now.

The updated standings list is out, with an extra 25 billion isk for our heroic Venture gankers. How are you faring in the Venture Extravaganza? Is your alliance leading the pace, or lagging behind?

Find out with the Highsec News Report!


CASTOLE’s performance is quite incredible! This young man has dedicated so much time and effort to utterly annihilate the competition, with a gap so wide that I have even considered cheating to secure the first-place position.

But seeing this amount of dedication to acquire this highly sought, venerable title of Venture hunting champion, I saw a younger version of myself in him. The fire, the devotion to his craft and the inspiring tenacity to keep on pushing where others would have long since given up. It was time for me to let go, so the next generation of gankers can continue the good work, fight their battles and come to define what it means to be an agent of the new order.

That being said, I will of course still cheat regardless come end of December, so I want to congratulate CASTOLE on his very strong and stunning entry into the second place position. Way to go, good sir!

With cheerful regards
-James Fuchs


I hacked your :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: super duper computer once, and I’ll hack it again if necessary! :smiling_imp:
Nothing will stop me from taking first place :star:, well, except for “StormShadow” :see_no_evil: :boom:
I will fight to the end! :love_you_gesture:


:partyparrot: :partying_face: :shufflepartyparrot:

Check out this feature length film featuring CASTOLE.

Where were the antigankers?


Although 25 billion isk reward is quite nice,

There is also a reward in knowing that every venture blapped, helps prevent a miner population explosion, which of left unchecked would tank the EvE economy.

Remember, this is Double December.


Does this mean instead of 1 million a venture we should be doubling down at 2 million a venture?

After all my conversation with you was revealing, in that Safety and the Saviorette are friends. No Champions! 0f the Free Markets! :moneybag::credit_card::dollar::us::pirate_flag::eagle::eagle::eagle:


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Everyone is encouraged to double at least twice during Double December.

Aiko hates anything less than capitalism.

Please Aiko, explain the process behind your capitalistic ganking of mining barges?

I said Aiko, not the offline identifiers.

If you’ve bothered to read anything concerning the subject, she actually radically changed ganking. An in depth analysis of several threads demonstrated a dynamic shift from barges to find freighters and haulers. In fact she even stood toe to toe with the largest shareholder of code at the time when James315 left. This individual wanted to waste time effort and energy breaking skiffs for basically a handful of veldspar or ice. If anything there move from Halaima to Uedema was both innovative and ground breaking turning the focus of ganking into a lucrative business model that many have attempted to copy but failed to reproduce.

This is all well documented information.



It means the Frostpacker should pay double of what he owes. :wink:


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