15 Anniversary Gala for PIE

Surely that depends on what the price is ?

Might not be in ISK, could be for sale for dignity, or self-respect, or other intangible assets.


Other than an unexpected fire drill caused by, no doubt, a Matari terrorist prankster ((DoD :frowning: )) the Pie Gala went well! Thanks for those who came and here’s to another 15 years!

Also… Congratulations Xideinis on your promotion to Admiral!


Apologies for not being able to make the main event. The after party was…interesting.

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See you in another 15 years.

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Looking to sell blackmail material on a number of people, send me a message if interested!

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I hear I was one of the subjects of a somewhat drunken game of ‘Marry, Kiss, Kill’.

Really, I thought you all were supposed to have more comportment.

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After-parties tend to have slightly more relaxed rules.

Actually I’ve been finding that formal balls and galas get more interesting as time goes on and more alcohol is consumed, which is kind of the opposite of more informal parties.

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Alcohol do have that effect, on Balls and Galas, although I would like to avoid some of the evenings events, at future events.

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I hope you kids didn’t get too crazy.

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Well, nobody’s head exploded or anything, my lord. Even metaphorically.

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Orgiastic Molok worship, undoubtedly.

You were also the subject of Marry, Kiss, Kill. It took a lot of shots before we got to you, though.


In all seriousness, though, I’d like to thank everyone at the PIE gala for restoring some of my faith in humanity. None of you chose ‘marry’ for me.


What was the result?

There is a heathen and wretch in this cluster, who shall not be named, who opted to kiss you. His parents, one imagines, are proud.


On a more serious note, I hope that unfortunate… incident of medical nature had no lasting repercussions.
I won’t mention names out of respect for the affected party.

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An’ who told ya that?


Do I even want to know what this game is about?

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It’s this fun thing where you get given three names, and you have to say which of them you want to marry, which you want to kill, and which you want to screw. Only apparently we have to be really polite and just call the last one ‘kissing’ because some members of PIE have delicate ears or something.


I see. Thank you for explaining.

Too bad I would likely get killed myself for suggesting we try this fun game I learned from Mary loyalists, if I did that with enough drunken kin around me.

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