The shear amount of disconnects I’m getting today are unacceptable. This is getting quite ridiculous.
ya will pass on shooting trig rats in a site if i want any of that crap i will get it from market a week in when prices for it nose dive
And there lies the problem.
only redeeming thing with Trig´s are the abyss space no not doing them. Rather more the beautiful space it self bring that to normal space and we can talk.
And maybe put more focus on SoE make some huge story arch thing add some new SoE ship like a BC or maybe some SoE T2 ships.
Only thing I maybe want to see from Trig is a Trig mining frig and that just looks cool .
But yeah maybe do something big with SoE I mean they are one of the factions I find most interesting. Like make something huge that involves more exploration. I mean one of the biggest things I like with lets say star trek or Elite dangerous or Freelancer or any sci-fi game it is the exploration of unknown new space. Maybe add in a few 100 new system where in SoE comes in and you need to go on an expedition to help explore this new space that has some drifters and trigs but will then be taken over by SoE.
SOE Jump Freighter?
Is this going to be a kegger or BYOB?
Just several hours left until this is on.
I’m hoping for some free ship skins for the Alliance Tournament ships.
Amazing. Items that I cannot put in a station hangar still require me to be docked. Amazing coding quality.
Don’t you dare make another damn dot. Im sick of the one i got. yes, i know i have ■■■■ in my cargohold. i put it there.
Or maybe finally open up the InterBus LP-store. Maybe some sweet InterBus-themed haulers…
It’s not like we have not been waiting “that” long for things like that…
Can someone link the free steam pack for this anniversary? Can’t seem to find it.
No, it means we get extra trash on top of the previous trash. CCP seem to think we’ll all stick around for 17 more years if they throw enough garbage at us. You don’t mind nerfs and DDOS too, right? Keep giving us all your money.
There will be multiple trash windows to select from upon logging in. You can disable the rewards . . . but then you don’t get any skillpoints, either.
yeah that would be nice like 3 tires of InterBus haulers, T1, T2 and freighter and maybe a Jump freighter . But at least a t1 and a t2 regular hauler.
Does anyone know how the “100% Discount on Steam for EVE Online: Starter Pack - 17th Birthday Celebration” Package really works ?
Has anyone already set up a scheme to profit from this Steam Package ?