17 Years of EVE - A Huge Birthday Celebration!

Only Triglavian lore for you!

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unfortunately not, it should show everything

Thanks for all the gifts. For some reason I was thinking we would get 17 gifts instead of 10, lol.

Anyway, the Capsuleer Day XVII Hat and T-Shirt looks pretty cool, would have been nice if there was matching pants or full Expedition type suit as well.

Happy Birthday Eve

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I need some new Eve socksā€¦ CCPlease?

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Responding a bit to a part of your post I didnā€™t quote first: The EWAR may not be the problem in an ideal world (one in which no one ever loses connection to the game when they donā€™t mean to do so), but as I mentioned in my prior post, the constant threat of socket disconnect, power outage, ISP issues, and EVE server instability whether from DDOS or anything else = extra difficulty to any sites that punish you with 90%+ regularity for D/Cing within them (Abyss and recent event sites especiallyā€¦ sleepers and incursions and such as well, ofc, but most people do those in a group, at least, so barring a complete EVE-wide D/C event). And thus the EWAR is indeed an issue. The spread tackle EWAR specifically.

Now, on to the main part I wanted to reply to, hence the condensed quoting:

By mentioning Iā€™ve seen lots of dead gnosii in the sites, I wasnā€™t trying to shame solo gnosis pilots, just saying the fact that Iā€™ve seen so many dead ones inside the event sites. I have no idea what their fits were exactly and Iā€™m not going to speculate as to their skill level.

Iā€™ve now seen dead drakes in sites in addition to dead gnosis/myrm wrecks all strewn about.

And yes, 7 year players like myself who triple box event sites (as I have done for the last 5 years, since I was a wee 2 year old player!) are indeed looking for, as you say, a change of pace. Itā€™s a rare event that was actually more lucrative to run than just incursioning or killing sleepers or whatever would have been. I like variety. And skill accels and skins donā€™t hurt. :wink:

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i like the new pajamas!!! :roll_of_toilet_paper: :uruguay: :parrotsleep:


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