17 Years of EVE - A Huge Birthday Celebration!

Yep. Well, cheaper to lose if my power goes out again as it did last Tuesday morning in the abyss (managed to get back in time) or if another round of fresh DDOSing hits TQ while I’m in the middle of an event site, at least. :wink:

But less resists, less damage, and less boosting POWAH. I could also build a trio of Drekavacs, hmmm… might try it both ways.

Deciding between HMLs with some application mods or else RLMLs. Is it mostly frigs/DDs? if so, the latter… if there’s a good portion of vedmaks/drekavacs and dare I say it… leshaks… then perhaps HMLs.

Now that the rorqual is nerfed in null
can we have the rorqual in HS


Most of the High Sec Asteroid Belts are constantly being mined out by NPC’s. And that’s been happening for quite a few years now.

A little feedback to ccp about the “edencom production” event sites:
They are far too difficult for the normal average players, so once again (and as usual) ccp fail completely in creating interesting and useful content.

Everywhere i look, this is what i see:

Either there are player ship wrecks in them, or the sites are completely empty, no one died there yet.

Remove the gates so players can use whichever ship they like. Remove the scram and neut from rats, so the player can warp out if needed. Use fewer rats which players can actually defeat and no triglavian garbage, use normal rats. For a battlecruiser event, just look at the average level 3 mission and learn from that.
These event sites are far beyond what most players can handle and it’s absolutely nothing for new players to try.


I’ve done hisec and lowsec sites with basic T2 fit Brutix and Myrmidon, they are honestly not that hard.

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You like Eve you like space?
Many years ago a friend who was studying Engineering in the early days of computer science arrived here in my country. Few had access to hardware. Our beginnings with the TK95, its cassettes and tape recorder were an almost scientific-experimental experience. Then they gave another friend a Concorde, there the games changed. Our lives parted a little. Then when I already had my own CPU, that engineer friend brought me on a floppy disk with MASTER of ORION inside “if they don’t know it (investigate)” that game changed my life. That game still has things that incorporating them here in EVE would be a WOW. Happy anniversary.


You know what I always find funny? That you and people like you say that they are the worst npcs but never state what exactly is wrong with them.
Care to elaborate?

They were not that bad - the concepts were decent. The problem was not the ore but the absurd amount of it that was needed.

There are youtube videos with people running it in gnosis while using radial menu … far from impossible. But definitely not event that can be run by new[ish] players - t2 weapons, t2 mods, t2 drones… That is at least 6 months of dedicated training right there. Can be done in a small fleet of rr gnosis though (a fleet of only 2 can permatank close to 1K dps; is a decent way to run C3 wormholes as well)

This event site can be run just fine in t1 battlecruiser - problem is not all you mentioned but the difficulty of spawns forcing you to use well skilled battlecruisers and well fit (all t2 mods, preferably with cap battery/cap booster). half what you said has to stay - neuts and scramsin particular to make things more risky. And trigs are not trash, they are fun.


I agree with most of what you said, all except for the last part:

Having NPC Ewar is fine, the issue is it’s constantly being done by almost every single NPC. And this is for low level sites located in High Sec space. Add in the fact that along with the Ewar, Triglavian weapons also ramp up in DPS. In my opinion that makes Triglavian NPC’s overpowered.

Personally I don’t like anything related to Triglavian content. I’m talking about the NPC names, their ships, weapons, filaments, instanced Abyssal dungeons, Invasions, Emerging Conduits, making mutated modules, etc. All that stuff feels more like WOW in space than Eve.

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Maybe, but since we had straight skill accel drops for years before those 3 events in a row with ore… and then they basically stopped making events for 1 year straight after that… methinks that someone at CCP thinks they were going down the wrong path there, too, they kinda just trashed the whole evolution of events heading that direction, focused instead on just trig invasions for awhile… and now finally they seem to be restarting events again, albeit in an, as DMC kinda touches upon above… every ship spreads scrams/points/webs/various EWAR flavor of locked in sites (so don’t bother trying to leave! and hope you don’t D/C or the server doesn’t get DDOSed while you’re inside).

I don’t particularly have a problem with the mining of ore in events either, but it required a lot of reshipping (doing the sites with multiple skiffs and orca was possible that first Blood Raider event but not optimal, certainly) and added to the time and effort and grind of it all, even before the ridiculous BPC requirements that were practically Jita scamming newbs who didn’t realize making the basic accels was a fool’s errand.

That stretch wasn’t the first time we had mining in events, btw, there was mining in Shadow of the Serpent like 4 years ago, summer of 2016, IIRC. You just got points for mining such and such amount of veldspar or scordite and such. Getting points for doing the combat event sites, for mining (anywhere), exploring, etc. (and thus the winter event with the hacking and gas/ore mining tasks was closer to, in my opinion, a successful mix of PVE activities within an event) would be a more fun way, to me, to include lots of different gameplay styles (more people want a PVP/PVE mix for event participation too, judging from the reaction to the lowsec dailies in March here)… than the skill accel BPC grind is all I really am trying to get at, I think.

As to the rest of your post (the parts I didn’t quote, I mean), I agree with you on the trigs where DMC disagrees with you, but I just generally have been enjoying trigs as a new NPC type more than he has, I think. :slight_smile: That’s fine, we agree on plenty else when it comes to PVE in EVE. But… while I can imagine some people can do the event sites in a single BC (I have seen mostly Drakes, Fleet Hurricanes, Cyclones successfully doing so judging from d-scanning busy sites as I pass by), some of those people attempting to do solo gnosis runs on the current event are ending up dead.

I have run only 16 sites so far, and in 3 of them I have found dead ships. 1 myrm, 2 gnosis. The myrm died in a site with only 2 rat wrecks, right at the start… the gnosis sites… both had 30 wrecks or so, and just 2 rats remaining (the boss vedmak+damavik in the first one and the boss vedmak+rodiva in the second one). Interesting how both gnosis pilots ran into a wall right there nearly at the end.

Personally, I wanted to do the sites in 3 claymores, once I found out you couldn’t use command ships, was thinking of 3 cyclones, but reading of the cap issues from a cyclone user, decided I’d rather go buffer/resist tanked shield instead of active tanked, which meant 3 drakes was the way to go. It’s working well for me, albeit not very efficient/fast compared to how I could be doing them in other ships. FOFs (to reduce the grind in the middle waves) + precision + fury HMs for various situations. Man, do I wish the warping out and back in NPC behavior would be saved for when people are 100 km off from the rats and not happen when only 25 km away from them. Just burn over, damaviks and kikimoras… sheesh, lazy!

The ewar is not the problem, the problem is that the waves are too strong for anyone that is not in a fleet (after splitting rewards you are better off running l3 missions) or is not in a full t2 fitted bc (meaning only older players or dedicated mission runners / pvpers can run the sites reliably)

Main reason I like trigs is that they are not as predictable as other rats. There is no single fully optimized cookie cutter fit for them as any such fit breaks down the moment you get ‘wrong kind of spawn’ - is more about compromises. And hell, outside of blood raiders and amarr npcs you don’t see much of cap warfare which is a nice shakeup as well.

Don’t judge here. Remember that gnosis can be flown from get go - and as I have written running these sites does require full t2 fit (that is my only gripe with them - basically impossible to run by anyone who is not fully skilled, and at that point why not just run L4 missions for those 200M/h - unless you just want a change of pace).

Personally I either solo in myrm (cap boosters for cap issues, is ammo like any other) or tripple boxed rr gnosis for 0 effort run (close to 2K ehp/s perma tank even under small neut pressure). But I have nearly full skills on myrm (except L5 in bc and spec skills) so it doesn’t really count. Different story for people that can’t do full t2 fit - I don’t see how they would be running these sites. And I agree that starburst at 25 km away is a bit much.

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Well, you must not undock ever. The abyssal modules after mutation have changed the game quite considerably

CCP it would be great if these events such as “Easter” and “Birthday” had challenges suitable for all that scaled in difficulty and reward so that players of varying abilities and means could take part.


My opinion is that if you are distracted or you enter combat with them !!! Keep in mind that they are fast, furious and lethal. Even more so if you are not on the appropriate ship to kill them. So if you are caught Sleeping in your Venture or mining ship or very focused on your scan / hack or in an unprepared combat ship you are dead. So yes!!! They are brutal, I have also died from other rats but the TRIV … are piranhas … I can’t wait to learn enough and gather the Isk to start killing them. :100: :anger: :boom: :skull_and_crossbones: :ghost:

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:+1: :sob: :alien: :skull: :skull_and_crossbones: :ghost:

No online prezentation? No online talk for the 17’th birthday?

I play every single day., mostly combo of small gang pvp and some pve mining, mission running and frieght hauling between null and HS…it’s had almost no impact other than occasional few extra jumps to bypass invasions with large ships. Trigs could be game changers and the great leveling arms to favor smaller outfits–as it is they provide a tiny bit of content for some and minor annoyance for the rest.

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Does somebody else have the problem that the anomalies are not showing in the scanner?
i see the normal anomalies of sansha etc but not the EDEN ones. a friend I was in fleet yesterday saw them but me not.

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Look the Probe window filters meaby is that.

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New content. Triglavian lore. Jovian lore. Talocan lore. Give us!

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