Maybe, but since we had straight skill accel drops for years before those 3 events in a row with ore… and then they basically stopped making events for 1 year straight after that… methinks that someone at CCP thinks they were going down the wrong path there, too, they kinda just trashed the whole evolution of events heading that direction, focused instead on just trig invasions for awhile… and now finally they seem to be restarting events again, albeit in an, as DMC kinda touches upon above… every ship spreads scrams/points/webs/various EWAR flavor of locked in sites (so don’t bother trying to leave! and hope you don’t D/C or the server doesn’t get DDOSed while you’re inside).
I don’t particularly have a problem with the mining of ore in events either, but it required a lot of reshipping (doing the sites with multiple skiffs and orca was possible that first Blood Raider event but not optimal, certainly) and added to the time and effort and grind of it all, even before the ridiculous BPC requirements that were practically Jita scamming newbs who didn’t realize making the basic accels was a fool’s errand.
That stretch wasn’t the first time we had mining in events, btw, there was mining in Shadow of the Serpent like 4 years ago, summer of 2016, IIRC. You just got points for mining such and such amount of veldspar or scordite and such. Getting points for doing the combat event sites, for mining (anywhere), exploring, etc. (and thus the winter event with the hacking and gas/ore mining tasks was closer to, in my opinion, a successful mix of PVE activities within an event) would be a more fun way, to me, to include lots of different gameplay styles (more people want a PVP/PVE mix for event participation too, judging from the reaction to the lowsec dailies in March here)… than the skill accel BPC grind is all I really am trying to get at, I think.
As to the rest of your post (the parts I didn’t quote, I mean), I agree with you on the trigs where DMC disagrees with you, but I just generally have been enjoying trigs as a new NPC type more than he has, I think.
That’s fine, we agree on plenty else when it comes to PVE in EVE. But… while I can imagine some people can do the event sites in a single BC (I have seen mostly Drakes, Fleet Hurricanes, Cyclones successfully doing so judging from d-scanning busy sites as I pass by), some of those people attempting to do solo gnosis runs on the current event are ending up dead.
I have run only 16 sites so far, and in 3 of them I have found dead ships. 1 myrm, 2 gnosis. The myrm died in a site with only 2 rat wrecks, right at the start… the gnosis sites… both had 30 wrecks or so, and just 2 rats remaining (the boss vedmak+damavik in the first one and the boss vedmak+rodiva in the second one). Interesting how both gnosis pilots ran into a wall right there nearly at the end.
Personally, I wanted to do the sites in 3 claymores, once I found out you couldn’t use command ships, was thinking of 3 cyclones, but reading of the cap issues from a cyclone user, decided I’d rather go buffer/resist tanked shield instead of active tanked, which meant 3 drakes was the way to go. It’s working well for me, albeit not very efficient/fast compared to how I could be doing them in other ships. FOFs (to reduce the grind in the middle waves) + precision + fury HMs for various situations. Man, do I wish the warping out and back in NPC behavior would be saved for when people are 100 km off from the rats and not happen when only 25 km away from them. Just burn over, damaviks and kikimoras… sheesh, lazy!